Sunday, 14 October 2018

Happy Solar Return to my Blog, Shelter From The Storm! And Now We Are 6 Years Old! Jesus Wept!

Happy 6th Birthday to my Blog today! I started this blog filled with hope and excitement 6 years ago today exactly, Oct.13th, 2012,  that I would somehow be able to write my little Metaphysical Heart Out all about the JOURNEY and its many (and I mean many!) Ups and Downs, Spiritual Mentors and False Prophets & Gurus and occasionally a person who was a trusted Spiritual Teacher who suddenly "finds Jesus" and renounces all their previous work as "The Devil's Work"! (Madam Doreen Virtue!) Oh Yes, I have witnessed and heard it ALL and I mean ALL.  I want to write about this today as a kind of "what I have lived through on this path and some even recently" for my Blog's anniversary...Poor Doreen Virtue, the Queen of Metaphysics, leaves it all behind, even the profit from all her work because Jesus suddenly appears to her and tells her she was fooled by the Devil! Not only that but all her previous work must be denounced, that is a heck of a lot of LIGHTWORKER and ANGEL THERAPY WORK! (she is sadly deluded, would Jesus really say this to her, come on, she was helping millions!) Could be husband number ?? is a Born Again and Doreen got tired of them stealing her millions as previous ones did? Can't beat em, why not join them, huh Doreen?

*JESUS WEPT! (see picture below)  Yes, because HE said, "Ye Are Gods! Thou shall do even greater things than Me.."
and what is greater than Knowledge applied with love and care to the world? LOVE Heals but LIES misdirect the Soul, getting so caught up in "Jesus"  they have no life, no identity anymore and even decide to imitate every action of Jesus...using Jesus' story as some way to Big Themselves UP!

As a Metaphysics Teacher and a Spiritual Being in a Human Meat suit for 62 years I can not tell you how many people I have met along the Path who have thought they WERE JESUS!
Yeah, you heard me right...
but it gets funkier than that...
How about "Jesus is my boyfriend" said one close friend of mine who used to run a New Age shop I worked in once...and for this I was truly sorry to say, I had to go, whatever happened to her in the time between our last connecting she became clearly delusional. She claimed Jesus was her boyfriend coming to her nightly for you-know-what and she also sat/gathered/convened with Buddha too...she was so spiritual but that...I could not go for and isn't Jesus chaste? Like a Nun?

Or the Radioshow Host who was born on December 25th and thinks he is Jesus in disguise because he gets upset about animals who are abused. No lie, he does great rescue work and for this he should be proud and yet screams obsentities on air every week to Democrats and Liberals because he thinks HE is RIGHT about HIS  Right Wing politics! Constantly insults them like they are morons, constantly calling them names...would Jesus do that? I don't think so... Now I am good friends with him and it had taken some time for me and some close friends to say, "Look, Pal, you ain't Jesus!" I think he finally got it...even if the logo of his show has Jesus on it! And I don't dare tell him I am a Democrat and a Liberal and if I really want the wrath of Hell, since I live in London, into Socialism too, hey, what the heck! (In case no one knows, the Church admitted there is NO Hell, they made it up along with many other henious things to control the people with fear...don't forget to give that hard earned money to them too when they pass that basket!)

And let us not forget the enormous amount of people who celebrate Jesus' birthday on December 25th when we know damn well he was not born then! The Church took the Pagan Holiday Saturnalia, which is the same time/date and made it a combo of celebrating Christ's birth with Jupiter (Santa Clause... the big and fat and jolly man with the beard and red suit,  giving loads of presents which is exactly what any good Astrologer would tell you is what Jupiter represents!  Since it is the Biggest planet in the Heavens, it represents all the beneficent, happy, optimistic, luck and abundance! Saturn is old school, stoic and stern and the disciplanarian of the Zodiac...but I digress...much of the Christian religion is made up of Pagan Holidays, FACT. Every old Church has Zodiac symbols in them on the walls and even in the Vatican,  which also has the oldest Astrology library in existance, yes, FACT! Christianity comes from Astrology, no wonder they ban it and all "occult" knowledge, they would not want you to know the TRUTH now, would they?? You might Wake UP, we can't have THAT now can WE??? Stay asleep and brainwashed, by all means and you will go to Heaven or Hell. (Insanity is when we always do the same thing and expect a different result!)  I prefer the TRUTH, thanks, which is we are all Spirits in yet another Human experience and we will all return to Heaven.

How about the Father of my only child...he was told when he was a child, as he was adopted, that his biological mother never had sex! That is right, apparently her name was Mary, she was THE Virgin Mary and so she somehow concieved a baby (him) without sperm entering her! I have to say when he told me this, I laughed out loud. He was dead serious and I said, "So why dont you find your real mother and see if it is true?!" Needless to say, he eventually did and somehow he still carries this craziness inside of him. And so what has he done, at 57 years old in his second Saturn Return and after 20 years of virtually ignoring me and our daughter,  not paying money towards her, never a birthday card or a Christmas card, no phone calls, not-a-thing for her, his only child, his daughter! But he got in touch to declare himself all "healed" now when she was 10 and ran away again, would not even pick up the phone, so hurtful to my daughter, and I was just filled with rage towards him for the lies and the pain he caused us both and then when she was 19 years old he started following her on Instagram, stalking his own daughter, unreal...and eventually she and him created some sort of relationship. He asked for forgiveness and pays her some money, which he complains about (I know, he is Jesus right, why shouldnt he walk on water and just manifest money?!) And 3 years later, with yet another broken relationship behind him,  he decided to ger baptised and go to Church every Sunday on the off chance the meshugina idea he IS Jesus! He is now sure all the New Age knowledge he has is sacrilegious so the huge crystal he hung around his neck did not make the women swoon or make him rich...GEE, maybe if he cleanses his pain and suffering and bullcrap in his head in Church he will be ok? mmm... He drives a cab and works as a cook. It must be a huge disappointment to know that running away from your own responibilites, your only child, and did not care about what happened to her or me for that matter is now "all healed" and therefore...did not Jesus say, "Love thy neighbor as they self?"Or did he mean just some people, not your own flesh and blood? When my daughter started University at 19 he came back strong...and all because I had done ALL the work, paid ALL the money to take care of her myself and he no longer had any women interested in him and he was old now, yep, such is the madness of men, some men, especially it seems the ones who think they might be Jesus!

Now you would think this is enough but OH NO, there is more, much more! It is like a plague upon the Planet, will the REAL JESUS please stand UP??

Personally, I wish I was done but there are so many more examples, sickening examples of people using Jesus as their so called Savior then committing henious crimes in his name, or at least not much morality within offends ME and I am not Christian!

If I sound particularly offended here is why...imagine my upbringing, my mother was born a Catholic, my father a Jew. Neither of them practiced their religion and hats off to them for even making such a bold move in 1952, when it was completely looked down upon to marry outside your religion.
Now we lived in a Jewish neighborhood in Pittsburgh and most of my friends, not all, but most were Jewish and with a last name of "Cohen" hard not to be considered one of the Tribe even with the "shickza" face...(look like my Irish/Scottish Catholic Mother!) and so this then brings me to being a Jew, as I decided I wanted a Bas Mitzvah like the rest of my friends. My father had to literally pay the Rabbi off so we (all 4 of us) could be Bat and Bar Mitzvah in the synagogue as my mother was Catholic and had no desire to convert to Judism...and why should she?
I did my Haftorah, learning Hebrew every week after school in Hebrew school. I witnessed my older brother's Bar Mitzvah and all my friends too and then it was my turn. I did not even really understand what I was saying in Hebrew but with a Rabbi older then time standing next to me, I recited my Haftora like a Princess (a Jewish one at that!) and was happy to be pronounced (and now you are a man, I was a woman, only 13 years old).  What is funny is that every year we had a Christmas tree and in this mostly Jewish neighborhood, all the kids, including my Jewish girlfriends would come and decorate it with us. They loved it. It was not a sin to do this, was it?

Years later...I fell in love with an older man, 28 years older then me and he was my Boss at the Jazz nightclub he managed and I found myself waitressing in,  which is blogged on my other blog, (The Pittsburgh Phantom and Me) a Heavy weight boxer 28 years older then me named Art. The story between us was beautiful in 1976-1978, some of 1979 too but we parted, I felt too young to marry then and because of the death of my first boyfriend Glen which opened my natural psychic gifts up, I knew I was meant for more. We met up again when I was 38 and he 66, the year was 1994 and I was home from a 9 year stint in London and spent time travelling and working in Cyprus, Italy, Israel, and in the UK and USA. I was back with my mother in Florida. And I had a dream about him, so I called him and we agreed to meet up. It did not go well but the final blow was this ex heavyweight tough guy, handsome dandy of the ring, manager and character, cigar smoking brute of a man, tall and big had become a born again Christian! He forgot to tell me that as he left his wife, lied and came away to Florida to meet me! I also neglected to speak about my career as a Psychic and Metaphysics Teacher and the Tarot and Astrology Consultations I was giving for the last 11 years professionally. But when we finally got a moment in Florida in 1994 to speak, just the two of us, I told him I wanted to tell him I began to speak about my other boyfriend I had before I ever met him who died in 1979 and why I could not go back to him because I was processing him coming to me in my dreams and explaining he was actually not dead and so on and how this led me to seek more information and hence Metaphysics and healing spiritually people and teaching... to my utter shock...he got UP and WALKED AWAY FROM ME! Such was his FEAR about what I was sharing with him, very quietly and gently in the little diner we went to.
He refused to speak to me, so the next day I was leaving and then he begged me to stay...
of course the damage had been done, he had become BRAINWASHED and I would never want to be with a BRAINWASHED BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN! But I did love him, still and said I would come back, to wait for me and I will get some more clothes and so on. I left with a hug and a kiss and the promise he would wait as my student big heartedly drove me and her across the state to see him. He had come from Pittsburgh by a 3 day bus so clearly he wanted to see me.
We drove 5 hours across the State and I have to say I was upset...of course I was. I called where he was staying with a friend, who funnily enough was also into Metaphysics and we had both studied similar things (and had worked together with him too) and he told me he left, went back to Pittsburgh. Say What?!
Then I called him, but sent him my press from London in the mail. I waited until I thought he got it and called trying to reason with him..."What is this crap you sent me?!" I was shocked, "They are articles about me and how I help people with my work. You were in the press many times, I thought you could understand more about this if you read about me in the London Newspapers and Magazines." His response? "You're doing the Devil's Work! Don't ever call here again!" I shouted back, "NO I am NOT and you KNOW ME BETTER THAN THAT! I help alot of people with my gifts, God Given too!" He hung up on me...
I carried that wound for a decade until he came again into my dream one Sept. 15th, night, 2005. I was now a single mother, as Jesus number second decided I was not good enough for him to investigate me or our daughter so he was long gone...from the conception really! Left the across the world to the Maldives, being s chef in a big resort over there and well, he was not pleased. No interest and said he would send money...he didn't.
So I am on my own, ill with a thyroid disease, unbeknownst to me attacking my body (called Hashimotos) and it was still not treated right (since her birth) and I was still so ill, tired, broke, and pretty much hoping for a miracle, asking for it every day, begging that God who sits on his white cloud looking down at us, fools for even coming here in this wretched plane of existance, where is all the help I gave others? Where is the "good Karma" and what about the Nursing, I went to bat for so many patients and I can't even find a doctor to heal me, having tried everything??
I was so alone words could not express the aloneness of it all, no family here and even if I was with them what would they do? I was their black sheep, because I was the psychic...the one to make fun of  so they could feel better about their own useless lives!
Next: in comes this dream and in it I am still mad at Art for the way he treated me in Florida and afterwards...he says he has a present for me, he is younger and looking good in his suit, an elevator going up behind him and he looks like he is sitting in an airport lounge table and he tells me to go home and see this present he got me, so I melt, "you got me a present?" I smile at him..."Yes, go see, it is on your bed at home..."Next scene I am home, in my current bedroom and there is a present on my bed, I unwrap it and what is it? A very sexy slip which I saw myself wearing in the mirror! I woke up laughing...this single mother was so out of touch with her own sexual self and so unwell I had not felt like that for years! My daughter was now almost 10 years old, so I was always dressed in jeans and a tshirt and some trainers (gym shoes) and so...what was he telling me...the feeling was undenable, he was trying to tell me something. I googled his name, being a famous boxer he always had press...and there it was, his obituary!
In the end, his love of Jesus did not condemn me anymore nor did he see me in any bad way but just shared his love for me. The pain of the lost opportunity to finally be together was palatable, I could not stop crying. He appeared to me two weeks later off my back door balcony in a blaze of white light looking so handsome, dressed in a white tux with a bow tie to tell me, (and he put this thought directly in my head, while my jaw was on the floor gazing out at him, 11:30am) "Shawn, Love Never Dies"...
He has been with me ever since in so many visitations and ways.. that is my other blog "The Pittsburgh Phantom and Me" please check it out.

So I was like a widow, with so many experiences and my mediumship soared.
It was like Art came back to tell me (and he did many times!) I am sorry I hurt you and I am sorry I judged you, I love you and of course I NOW KNOW how much you HELP people, forgive me! And I have, of course, he helps me in my work too, like he did when he was my Boss in the Encore! lol The best evidence is when I found out 2 years after his death when I went back to Pittsburgh to see his grave that the so called Born Again Christian Family of his left him high and dry in an unmarked and unpaid for grave! The poor man didn't even have a headstone, those hypocrites!! It was me with my little money, still sick, still raising my daughter on my own who paid a chunk of money on his gravesite and got the Retired Boxer's Foundation in to help get the rest done. I swear to God, you can not make it up! It took another wonder his spirit came to me, those hypocrites with all their Church going bullcrap left him like that, a distinquished Boxer in his day, fought Joe Louis and was funny and filled with charisma. I am proud I could help him out and he is a true love of mine.

If Doreen Virtue wasn't already married to a Born Again Christain and claimed Jesus appeared to her and told her all she was doing was the "Devil's work" SHE COULD BE WITH the inevitable line up of people who think they are Jesus!
In all cases I would see this as Brainwashed and perhaps Possession! In each case the person has had some sort of illness or mental breakdown and in each case the person was so insecure or fearful that they just could not handle their own lives. PERIOD.
If Jesus wants to come and talk to me about his choices in this world I will be only too glad to listen, as long as he is not going to brainwash me to become one of his lambs to the slaughter, oh, suffer ye little children bull crap! I am DIVINE and SO ARE ALL OF YOU and becoming a MASTER is what we are here to DO, not just worship Masters and False Prophets who have come and gone before us!
I reckon with the state of our world....vaccines which kill, maim and harm, oceans filled with plastic, toxic air, water and soil from Chemtrails, war still raging somewhere on this planet constantly, the sexual abuse of children in the CATHOLIC CHURCH in numbers too many to mention, the homeless and hungry, AIDS and ALL DISEASES, the rapid extinction of animals and plants and precious insects like BEES (no pollinators, no food!) and so many other HUMUNGOUS problems in this world, you don't need to be a friggen Jesus Freak to see the world needs ALL HANDS ON DECK not some moron thinking he and only he is Jesus and therefore only HE can heal you!!! POPPYCOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wakey,wakey YOU HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED!
AND FINALLY, Jesus...with all due respect, if you even existed at all (and there is a good case to say he never did, see the Pagan God ,Mithra and you will see so many similarities to Jesus it is nuts!)
So Jesus, why don't you finally show up and tell all these crazy people the TRUTH...huh??
That you are not the Messiah....but a very naughty boy for telling lies! lol And that your Church is built on a million lies no reincarnation, lie. Like Baptism...everyone goes to Heaven, not just those who are baptized or Born Again!) Billions of Atheists, Hindus, Muslims, Jews and yes Buddists actually get into Heaven every single day! And finally, why we are all here?? Tell them that one, why don't you??? Not just to worship Jesus or God but to bring our own gifts here and use them to help others, learn and how can we do that when we are slaves to a religion or to anyone? I say we need to learn critical thinking and how to grow spiritually inside as well as practice what we preach! If we come to Earth to learn, to grow, how can asking God to do everything (and I mean everything!) for us make us independent intelligent Beings? The Soul IS Intelligent, it comes to Earth to EXPERIENCE itself in a HUMAN form and therefore all that goes with that.

To all those who have a "Personal Jesus"...go on and have one, what care I? I NEVER SAID don't Worship HIM or GOD, No, I did NOT. (So don't even THINK about doing a JOHN LENNON on ME!) Poor John, all he said was the Truth, "The Beatles are more popular than Jesus in England" and look how they twisted his words and made him pay for it...clearly with his life!! Burning the Beatles albums, instructed by some moron in the South of America, this DJ rightwinger who declared their work, precious and filled with LOVE, as evil!!! Sick Bastards. I know how you feel John...dare to tell the TRUTH, just DARE to DO it and see how the SHEEPLE run to make you the BAD ONE!

I have visited Heaven so many times  as a Spirit Medium with Art when he died in 2004 and Glen before that who died in 1979 (who was Jewish) and not once did either of them, after their death, through their own telepathy with me or with any Medium I went to say anything derogatory about my work as a psychic, mystic, medium , tarot reader, astrologer, past life regressionist or writer and teacher on Esoteric Subjects....and how both of them actually helped through their passing and coming back to me and showing me their spirit and communicating with me, when I did not even know they had died...opening those doors for me! How blessed was I??  Now put that in your PeacePipe and Smoke it!
For those who use Jesus' image, name, person and think they are his "girlfriend", "he abides in me" santamoneous ignoranous who also uses Jesus to  chase  New Age women and  shame them for their sacred work saying "You have lived your whole life for yourself, you are selfish and you will burn in Hell if you don't love Jesus!" The (so called )Twin Flame who played me like a violin with cute nicknames and so many insults inbetween said this to me and more, in fact I have over 600 emails between us, many where he is interested in me, then denounces me,  where he was taking the P in every concievable way there is...but "Jesus abides in him and he will pray for me!"  (I call that Narcissitic Personality Disorder!)  or  My daughter's runaway father, age 34 when she was born, saw her once when she was 2 weeks old and walked away for ten years, even got a lawyer on me to say "do not ever contact me again" when I was asking for money to help raise her, even a little as I was so unwell...yeah, he MUST BE JESUS because"my biological mother had a "virgin birth"! (Honey, you are delusional, you get it from your own Mother who at 26 years old could not grow up enough in 1961 to take the consequenses of her shag on Holiday in Italy!) And so...  "I was born on Christmas therefore it makes sense..."


Although Yeshua Ben Joseph, a Jew from Israel and therefore subjected to all the Jewish Laws at the time, like a Bar Mitsvah and Marriage before a certain age... (For SURE under JEWISH LAW he married Mary Magdelene and what did the Church do because it has such a high opinion of women?? Made her a Prostitute, of course! ) Jesus may or may NOT be the ONLY son of GOD...(what are we then? Chopped Liver?) I know in this matrix of madness, confusion easy to believe you are HIM or HE is YOUR BOYFRIEND than actually DEAL with your own pain, delusions and madness, eh? I have another friend who went through hell on earth believing, after a Reiki session, he was Jesus! He lost his mind, ran down to St. Paul's Church here in London, interupted everything declaring himself Jesus! He was carted off in a straight jacket to a mental institution but at least HE got HELP and realized that he was NOT Jesus but was having a Kundalini Rising, awakening experience. Today he is right as rain and a working actor and I am so proud of him, he helps others who go through spiritual crisis too.
Fair dues to you, all those above I have cared for, even created a child with, so excuse me while I tell the truth...for I chose to be the Truth Teller, the one who says, "sorry Emperor , you have NO Clothes on!" If Jesus did come back why would he chose you? If he came back to heal the world why doesn't HE/YOU??????????? In essence, please just is boring already and not true so there, I said it, I said it ALL! 
Blessed are the TRUTH TELLERS for they tell the Blessed TRUTH!

Just so you know...if I were to give YOU advice as I have done for thousands, it would be to just be yourself, stop trying to be someone special like Jesus and just be YOU. I mean there is NO ONE else like YOU throughout all the Gallexies and if you hide behind Jesus, then you lost yourself. It is ok to drop the ego...but I tell you now, God Made YOU to be YOU Not Jesus. He already has one of HIM. 

Shelter From the Storm, A Metaphysical Blog by Shawn M. Cohen (c) ) October 14, 2018 "Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode, video used with fairtrade and no copyright infringement intended. Image from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (all copyright theirs) Jesus Wept painting by James Tissot .

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