Sunday, 14 October 2018

Happy Solar Return to my Blog, Shelter From The Storm! And Now We Are 6 Years Old! Jesus Wept!

Happy 6th Birthday to my Blog today! I started this blog filled with hope and excitement 6 years ago today exactly, Oct.13th, 2012,  that I would somehow be able to write my little Metaphysical Heart Out all about the JOURNEY and its many (and I mean many!) Ups and Downs, Spiritual Mentors and False Prophets & Gurus and occasionally a person who was a trusted Spiritual Teacher who suddenly "finds Jesus" and renounces all their previous work as "The Devil's Work"! (Madam Doreen Virtue!) Oh Yes, I have witnessed and heard it ALL and I mean ALL.  I want to write about this today as a kind of "what I have lived through on this path and some even recently" for my Blog's anniversary...Poor Doreen Virtue, the Queen of Metaphysics, leaves it all behind, even the profit from all her work because Jesus suddenly appears to her and tells her she was fooled by the Devil! Not only that but all her previous work must be denounced, that is a heck of a lot of LIGHTWORKER and ANGEL THERAPY WORK! (she is sadly deluded, would Jesus really say this to her, come on, she was helping millions!) Could be husband number ?? is a Born Again and Doreen got tired of them stealing her millions as previous ones did? Can't beat em, why not join them, huh Doreen?

*JESUS WEPT! (see picture below)  Yes, because HE said, "Ye Are Gods! Thou shall do even greater things than Me.."
and what is greater than Knowledge applied with love and care to the world? LOVE Heals but LIES misdirect the Soul, getting so caught up in "Jesus"  they have no life, no identity anymore and even decide to imitate every action of Jesus...using Jesus' story as some way to Big Themselves UP!

As a Metaphysics Teacher and a Spiritual Being in a Human Meat suit for 62 years I can not tell you how many people I have met along the Path who have thought they WERE JESUS!
Yeah, you heard me right...
but it gets funkier than that...
How about "Jesus is my boyfriend" said one close friend of mine who used to run a New Age shop I worked in once...and for this I was truly sorry to say, I had to go, whatever happened to her in the time between our last connecting she became clearly delusional. She claimed Jesus was her boyfriend coming to her nightly for you-know-what and she also sat/gathered/convened with Buddha too...she was so spiritual but that...I could not go for and isn't Jesus chaste? Like a Nun?

Or the Radioshow Host who was born on December 25th and thinks he is Jesus in disguise because he gets upset about animals who are abused. No lie, he does great rescue work and for this he should be proud and yet screams obsentities on air every week to Democrats and Liberals because he thinks HE is RIGHT about HIS  Right Wing politics! Constantly insults them like they are morons, constantly calling them names...would Jesus do that? I don't think so... Now I am good friends with him and it had taken some time for me and some close friends to say, "Look, Pal, you ain't Jesus!" I think he finally got it...even if the logo of his show has Jesus on it! And I don't dare tell him I am a Democrat and a Liberal and if I really want the wrath of Hell, since I live in London, into Socialism too, hey, what the heck! (In case no one knows, the Church admitted there is NO Hell, they made it up along with many other henious things to control the people with fear...don't forget to give that hard earned money to them too when they pass that basket!)

And let us not forget the enormous amount of people who celebrate Jesus' birthday on December 25th when we know damn well he was not born then! The Church took the Pagan Holiday Saturnalia, which is the same time/date and made it a combo of celebrating Christ's birth with Jupiter (Santa Clause... the big and fat and jolly man with the beard and red suit,  giving loads of presents which is exactly what any good Astrologer would tell you is what Jupiter represents!  Since it is the Biggest planet in the Heavens, it represents all the beneficent, happy, optimistic, luck and abundance! Saturn is old school, stoic and stern and the disciplanarian of the Zodiac...but I digress...much of the Christian religion is made up of Pagan Holidays, FACT. Every old Church has Zodiac symbols in them on the walls and even in the Vatican,  which also has the oldest Astrology library in existance, yes, FACT! Christianity comes from Astrology, no wonder they ban it and all "occult" knowledge, they would not want you to know the TRUTH now, would they?? You might Wake UP, we can't have THAT now can WE??? Stay asleep and brainwashed, by all means and you will go to Heaven or Hell. (Insanity is when we always do the same thing and expect a different result!)  I prefer the TRUTH, thanks, which is we are all Spirits in yet another Human experience and we will all return to Heaven.

How about the Father of my only child...he was told when he was a child, as he was adopted, that his biological mother never had sex! That is right, apparently her name was Mary, she was THE Virgin Mary and so she somehow concieved a baby (him) without sperm entering her! I have to say when he told me this, I laughed out loud. He was dead serious and I said, "So why dont you find your real mother and see if it is true?!" Needless to say, he eventually did and somehow he still carries this craziness inside of him. And so what has he done, at 57 years old in his second Saturn Return and after 20 years of virtually ignoring me and our daughter,  not paying money towards her, never a birthday card or a Christmas card, no phone calls, not-a-thing for her, his only child, his daughter! But he got in touch to declare himself all "healed" now when she was 10 and ran away again, would not even pick up the phone, so hurtful to my daughter, and I was just filled with rage towards him for the lies and the pain he caused us both and then when she was 19 years old he started following her on Instagram, stalking his own daughter, unreal...and eventually she and him created some sort of relationship. He asked for forgiveness and pays her some money, which he complains about (I know, he is Jesus right, why shouldnt he walk on water and just manifest money?!) And 3 years later, with yet another broken relationship behind him,  he decided to ger baptised and go to Church every Sunday on the off chance the meshugina idea he IS Jesus! He is now sure all the New Age knowledge he has is sacrilegious so the huge crystal he hung around his neck did not make the women swoon or make him rich...GEE, maybe if he cleanses his pain and suffering and bullcrap in his head in Church he will be ok? mmm... He drives a cab and works as a cook. It must be a huge disappointment to know that running away from your own responibilites, your only child, and did not care about what happened to her or me for that matter is now "all healed" and therefore...did not Jesus say, "Love thy neighbor as they self?"Or did he mean just some people, not your own flesh and blood? When my daughter started University at 19 he came back strong...and all because I had done ALL the work, paid ALL the money to take care of her myself and he no longer had any women interested in him and he was old now, yep, such is the madness of men, some men, especially it seems the ones who think they might be Jesus!

Now you would think this is enough but OH NO, there is more, much more! It is like a plague upon the Planet, will the REAL JESUS please stand UP??

Personally, I wish I was done but there are so many more examples, sickening examples of people using Jesus as their so called Savior then committing henious crimes in his name, or at least not much morality within offends ME and I am not Christian!

If I sound particularly offended here is why...imagine my upbringing, my mother was born a Catholic, my father a Jew. Neither of them practiced their religion and hats off to them for even making such a bold move in 1952, when it was completely looked down upon to marry outside your religion.
Now we lived in a Jewish neighborhood in Pittsburgh and most of my friends, not all, but most were Jewish and with a last name of "Cohen" hard not to be considered one of the Tribe even with the "shickza" face...(look like my Irish/Scottish Catholic Mother!) and so this then brings me to being a Jew, as I decided I wanted a Bas Mitzvah like the rest of my friends. My father had to literally pay the Rabbi off so we (all 4 of us) could be Bat and Bar Mitzvah in the synagogue as my mother was Catholic and had no desire to convert to Judism...and why should she?
I did my Haftorah, learning Hebrew every week after school in Hebrew school. I witnessed my older brother's Bar Mitzvah and all my friends too and then it was my turn. I did not even really understand what I was saying in Hebrew but with a Rabbi older then time standing next to me, I recited my Haftora like a Princess (a Jewish one at that!) and was happy to be pronounced (and now you are a man, I was a woman, only 13 years old).  What is funny is that every year we had a Christmas tree and in this mostly Jewish neighborhood, all the kids, including my Jewish girlfriends would come and decorate it with us. They loved it. It was not a sin to do this, was it?

Years later...I fell in love with an older man, 28 years older then me and he was my Boss at the Jazz nightclub he managed and I found myself waitressing in,  which is blogged on my other blog, (The Pittsburgh Phantom and Me) a Heavy weight boxer 28 years older then me named Art. The story between us was beautiful in 1976-1978, some of 1979 too but we parted, I felt too young to marry then and because of the death of my first boyfriend Glen which opened my natural psychic gifts up, I knew I was meant for more. We met up again when I was 38 and he 66, the year was 1994 and I was home from a 9 year stint in London and spent time travelling and working in Cyprus, Italy, Israel, and in the UK and USA. I was back with my mother in Florida. And I had a dream about him, so I called him and we agreed to meet up. It did not go well but the final blow was this ex heavyweight tough guy, handsome dandy of the ring, manager and character, cigar smoking brute of a man, tall and big had become a born again Christian! He forgot to tell me that as he left his wife, lied and came away to Florida to meet me! I also neglected to speak about my career as a Psychic and Metaphysics Teacher and the Tarot and Astrology Consultations I was giving for the last 11 years professionally. But when we finally got a moment in Florida in 1994 to speak, just the two of us, I told him I wanted to tell him I began to speak about my other boyfriend I had before I ever met him who died in 1979 and why I could not go back to him because I was processing him coming to me in my dreams and explaining he was actually not dead and so on and how this led me to seek more information and hence Metaphysics and healing spiritually people and teaching... to my utter shock...he got UP and WALKED AWAY FROM ME! Such was his FEAR about what I was sharing with him, very quietly and gently in the little diner we went to.
He refused to speak to me, so the next day I was leaving and then he begged me to stay...
of course the damage had been done, he had become BRAINWASHED and I would never want to be with a BRAINWASHED BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN! But I did love him, still and said I would come back, to wait for me and I will get some more clothes and so on. I left with a hug and a kiss and the promise he would wait as my student big heartedly drove me and her across the state to see him. He had come from Pittsburgh by a 3 day bus so clearly he wanted to see me.
We drove 5 hours across the State and I have to say I was upset...of course I was. I called where he was staying with a friend, who funnily enough was also into Metaphysics and we had both studied similar things (and had worked together with him too) and he told me he left, went back to Pittsburgh. Say What?!
Then I called him, but sent him my press from London in the mail. I waited until I thought he got it and called trying to reason with him..."What is this crap you sent me?!" I was shocked, "They are articles about me and how I help people with my work. You were in the press many times, I thought you could understand more about this if you read about me in the London Newspapers and Magazines." His response? "You're doing the Devil's Work! Don't ever call here again!" I shouted back, "NO I am NOT and you KNOW ME BETTER THAN THAT! I help alot of people with my gifts, God Given too!" He hung up on me...
I carried that wound for a decade until he came again into my dream one Sept. 15th, night, 2005. I was now a single mother, as Jesus number second decided I was not good enough for him to investigate me or our daughter so he was long gone...from the conception really! Left the across the world to the Maldives, being s chef in a big resort over there and well, he was not pleased. No interest and said he would send money...he didn't.
So I am on my own, ill with a thyroid disease, unbeknownst to me attacking my body (called Hashimotos) and it was still not treated right (since her birth) and I was still so ill, tired, broke, and pretty much hoping for a miracle, asking for it every day, begging that God who sits on his white cloud looking down at us, fools for even coming here in this wretched plane of existance, where is all the help I gave others? Where is the "good Karma" and what about the Nursing, I went to bat for so many patients and I can't even find a doctor to heal me, having tried everything??
I was so alone words could not express the aloneness of it all, no family here and even if I was with them what would they do? I was their black sheep, because I was the psychic...the one to make fun of  so they could feel better about their own useless lives!
Next: in comes this dream and in it I am still mad at Art for the way he treated me in Florida and afterwards...he says he has a present for me, he is younger and looking good in his suit, an elevator going up behind him and he looks like he is sitting in an airport lounge table and he tells me to go home and see this present he got me, so I melt, "you got me a present?" I smile at him..."Yes, go see, it is on your bed at home..."Next scene I am home, in my current bedroom and there is a present on my bed, I unwrap it and what is it? A very sexy slip which I saw myself wearing in the mirror! I woke up laughing...this single mother was so out of touch with her own sexual self and so unwell I had not felt like that for years! My daughter was now almost 10 years old, so I was always dressed in jeans and a tshirt and some trainers (gym shoes) and so...what was he telling me...the feeling was undenable, he was trying to tell me something. I googled his name, being a famous boxer he always had press...and there it was, his obituary!
In the end, his love of Jesus did not condemn me anymore nor did he see me in any bad way but just shared his love for me. The pain of the lost opportunity to finally be together was palatable, I could not stop crying. He appeared to me two weeks later off my back door balcony in a blaze of white light looking so handsome, dressed in a white tux with a bow tie to tell me, (and he put this thought directly in my head, while my jaw was on the floor gazing out at him, 11:30am) "Shawn, Love Never Dies"...
He has been with me ever since in so many visitations and ways.. that is my other blog "The Pittsburgh Phantom and Me" please check it out.

So I was like a widow, with so many experiences and my mediumship soared.
It was like Art came back to tell me (and he did many times!) I am sorry I hurt you and I am sorry I judged you, I love you and of course I NOW KNOW how much you HELP people, forgive me! And I have, of course, he helps me in my work too, like he did when he was my Boss in the Encore! lol The best evidence is when I found out 2 years after his death when I went back to Pittsburgh to see his grave that the so called Born Again Christian Family of his left him high and dry in an unmarked and unpaid for grave! The poor man didn't even have a headstone, those hypocrites!! It was me with my little money, still sick, still raising my daughter on my own who paid a chunk of money on his gravesite and got the Retired Boxer's Foundation in to help get the rest done. I swear to God, you can not make it up! It took another wonder his spirit came to me, those hypocrites with all their Church going bullcrap left him like that, a distinquished Boxer in his day, fought Joe Louis and was funny and filled with charisma. I am proud I could help him out and he is a true love of mine.

If Doreen Virtue wasn't already married to a Born Again Christain and claimed Jesus appeared to her and told her all she was doing was the "Devil's work" SHE COULD BE WITH the inevitable line up of people who think they are Jesus!
In all cases I would see this as Brainwashed and perhaps Possession! In each case the person has had some sort of illness or mental breakdown and in each case the person was so insecure or fearful that they just could not handle their own lives. PERIOD.
If Jesus wants to come and talk to me about his choices in this world I will be only too glad to listen, as long as he is not going to brainwash me to become one of his lambs to the slaughter, oh, suffer ye little children bull crap! I am DIVINE and SO ARE ALL OF YOU and becoming a MASTER is what we are here to DO, not just worship Masters and False Prophets who have come and gone before us!
I reckon with the state of our world....vaccines which kill, maim and harm, oceans filled with plastic, toxic air, water and soil from Chemtrails, war still raging somewhere on this planet constantly, the sexual abuse of children in the CATHOLIC CHURCH in numbers too many to mention, the homeless and hungry, AIDS and ALL DISEASES, the rapid extinction of animals and plants and precious insects like BEES (no pollinators, no food!) and so many other HUMUNGOUS problems in this world, you don't need to be a friggen Jesus Freak to see the world needs ALL HANDS ON DECK not some moron thinking he and only he is Jesus and therefore only HE can heal you!!! POPPYCOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wakey,wakey YOU HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED!
AND FINALLY, Jesus...with all due respect, if you even existed at all (and there is a good case to say he never did, see the Pagan God ,Mithra and you will see so many similarities to Jesus it is nuts!)
So Jesus, why don't you finally show up and tell all these crazy people the TRUTH...huh??
That you are not the Messiah....but a very naughty boy for telling lies! lol And that your Church is built on a million lies no reincarnation, lie. Like Baptism...everyone goes to Heaven, not just those who are baptized or Born Again!) Billions of Atheists, Hindus, Muslims, Jews and yes Buddists actually get into Heaven every single day! And finally, why we are all here?? Tell them that one, why don't you??? Not just to worship Jesus or God but to bring our own gifts here and use them to help others, learn and how can we do that when we are slaves to a religion or to anyone? I say we need to learn critical thinking and how to grow spiritually inside as well as practice what we preach! If we come to Earth to learn, to grow, how can asking God to do everything (and I mean everything!) for us make us independent intelligent Beings? The Soul IS Intelligent, it comes to Earth to EXPERIENCE itself in a HUMAN form and therefore all that goes with that.

To all those who have a "Personal Jesus"...go on and have one, what care I? I NEVER SAID don't Worship HIM or GOD, No, I did NOT. (So don't even THINK about doing a JOHN LENNON on ME!) Poor John, all he said was the Truth, "The Beatles are more popular than Jesus in England" and look how they twisted his words and made him pay for it...clearly with his life!! Burning the Beatles albums, instructed by some moron in the South of America, this DJ rightwinger who declared their work, precious and filled with LOVE, as evil!!! Sick Bastards. I know how you feel John...dare to tell the TRUTH, just DARE to DO it and see how the SHEEPLE run to make you the BAD ONE!

I have visited Heaven so many times  as a Spirit Medium with Art when he died in 2004 and Glen before that who died in 1979 (who was Jewish) and not once did either of them, after their death, through their own telepathy with me or with any Medium I went to say anything derogatory about my work as a psychic, mystic, medium , tarot reader, astrologer, past life regressionist or writer and teacher on Esoteric Subjects....and how both of them actually helped through their passing and coming back to me and showing me their spirit and communicating with me, when I did not even know they had died...opening those doors for me! How blessed was I??  Now put that in your PeacePipe and Smoke it!
For those who use Jesus' image, name, person and think they are his "girlfriend", "he abides in me" santamoneous ignoranous who also uses Jesus to  chase  New Age women and  shame them for their sacred work saying "You have lived your whole life for yourself, you are selfish and you will burn in Hell if you don't love Jesus!" The (so called )Twin Flame who played me like a violin with cute nicknames and so many insults inbetween said this to me and more, in fact I have over 600 emails between us, many where he is interested in me, then denounces me,  where he was taking the P in every concievable way there is...but "Jesus abides in him and he will pray for me!"  (I call that Narcissitic Personality Disorder!)  or  My daughter's runaway father, age 34 when she was born, saw her once when she was 2 weeks old and walked away for ten years, even got a lawyer on me to say "do not ever contact me again" when I was asking for money to help raise her, even a little as I was so unwell...yeah, he MUST BE JESUS because"my biological mother had a "virgin birth"! (Honey, you are delusional, you get it from your own Mother who at 26 years old could not grow up enough in 1961 to take the consequenses of her shag on Holiday in Italy!) And so...  "I was born on Christmas therefore it makes sense..."


Although Yeshua Ben Joseph, a Jew from Israel and therefore subjected to all the Jewish Laws at the time, like a Bar Mitsvah and Marriage before a certain age... (For SURE under JEWISH LAW he married Mary Magdelene and what did the Church do because it has such a high opinion of women?? Made her a Prostitute, of course! ) Jesus may or may NOT be the ONLY son of GOD...(what are we then? Chopped Liver?) I know in this matrix of madness, confusion easy to believe you are HIM or HE is YOUR BOYFRIEND than actually DEAL with your own pain, delusions and madness, eh? I have another friend who went through hell on earth believing, after a Reiki session, he was Jesus! He lost his mind, ran down to St. Paul's Church here in London, interupted everything declaring himself Jesus! He was carted off in a straight jacket to a mental institution but at least HE got HELP and realized that he was NOT Jesus but was having a Kundalini Rising, awakening experience. Today he is right as rain and a working actor and I am so proud of him, he helps others who go through spiritual crisis too.
Fair dues to you, all those above I have cared for, even created a child with, so excuse me while I tell the truth...for I chose to be the Truth Teller, the one who says, "sorry Emperor , you have NO Clothes on!" If Jesus did come back why would he chose you? If he came back to heal the world why doesn't HE/YOU??????????? In essence, please just is boring already and not true so there, I said it, I said it ALL! 
Blessed are the TRUTH TELLERS for they tell the Blessed TRUTH!

Just so you know...if I were to give YOU advice as I have done for thousands, it would be to just be yourself, stop trying to be someone special like Jesus and just be YOU. I mean there is NO ONE else like YOU throughout all the Gallexies and if you hide behind Jesus, then you lost yourself. It is ok to drop the ego...but I tell you now, God Made YOU to be YOU Not Jesus. He already has one of HIM. 

Shelter From the Storm, A Metaphysical Blog by Shawn M. Cohen (c) ) October 14, 2018 "Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode, video used with fairtrade and no copyright infringement intended. Image from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (all copyright theirs) Jesus Wept painting by James Tissot .

Friday, 31 August 2018

The Eye in the Sky by Shawn M. Cohen

Ever have someone lie about you? Tell tall tales just to cover up their own bad behavior? I have and more recently by someone who I met online, never even met them in person! 
This all happened just as we were about to embark on all those crazy Eclipses in June and in fact it was over the summer that this experience escalated to where I actually took action against him! 
Somehow in my own New Age community, I have been able, for the most part, to meet some stellar people, and in fact, I put many of them on my own show, Cafe Esoterica Radio on Blog Talk (now also broadcasting on, & live to watch on under Cafe Esoterica Radio!)
But this one floored me. It was like a "wham, bam, thank you M'am" story! One I thought was long ago dead, dead to the archives of chauvanist males who only ever cared about themselves and satisfying their own lust and yet at the ripe age of 62 years old, it happened to me! 
It went something like this. I was online late at night, which is my want. I am always up late now, writing my latest book, or preparing my shows. It was 2:30am on June 9th, 2018. I belong to loads of Astrological groups on Facebook. I have been a professional Astrologer since the year dot, no, honestly since 1969 when I first read Linda Goodman's Sun Signs...age 13. I was lucky enough that my mother, who was an actress in Pittsburgh, where I grew up, had been invited to an aftershow party and there was Linda Goodman signing her new book. And so as the fates or stars would have it, I got to have this book come right into my home! That was so meant to be and for me as my mother was not that into astrology. But the hippies and their love, music, sex, drugs and esoterica was coming into popular culture faster than you could say Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds! I began my love of Astrology there and it has only ever grown since!
I digress, so back to here and now... so I went on to become a Professional Astrologer, a person who helps others with the beautiful tool which all people who are interested in Metaphysics value, Astrology. And as the ancients knew, is a profound tool for studying not just the stars, planets and Gallaxy but the most in depth soul of the person whose chart you, as the Astrologer, have had the grace and priviledge to be allowed to view and discuss. Because after all, we are speaking about someone's life and their soul and we, as professionals, do not want to do any HARM to that person, right? RIGHT! 
So here is what happened to me, back on June 9th, 2018, there I was minding my own business at 2:30am and read something in one of the many Astrology groups on Facebook I belong to, then did what I always do, thunbs up, clicked "like" on it. Well, within seconds someone jumped on to my FB chat box and wanted to speak to me, and I realized ("with my real eyes", as he would say!) that it was the author of this piece I had just liked. Oh, ok, I will accept and speak to him and I did. 
Big mistake, huge mistake, bad, bad mistake! 
And here is why...without going into personal details, he liked me way too soon without even knowing me, he decided he was interested in me and as soon as he could there were our charts. I had not even took the time to look at his but he was clearly looking at mine, my progressed chart and our relationship chart! There were some strong connections, I can't deny that. His North Node on my Sun and Mercury in his 7th house. I just did a show on Cafe Esoterica Radio last night about the "shadow" and the 7th house (please see link below to show) and how it is all about relationships and how the shadow sabatoges them if not heard and worked out. Within our chart aspects, it was clear, he was meant to learn something from me, and here is the rub, he was 30 years younger than me. Yes, a whole whopping Saturn cycle, and in fact his Saturn is in Sag like mine is, but mine is at the beginning of it and his later dedgrees. If you do not understand the "Astrologese" never mind,that is not important. What was important is that I had never heard of him before, and he told me he is on You Tube and mades loads of videos. I began watching them, since he had asked me out and I decided, even stressing I am too old for him, thought we could talk Astrology. I also felt like I had known him before in another life or actually what came to me as I began watching one of his videos after another is how gifted and talented he is in Astrology. I was pleasantly surprised at how much love and passion he displayed in his videos about Astrology and he, too, was interviewing people on his You Tube channel. 
Brilliant, (I thought!) to connect with someone from previous lives and also had a vision of knowing him from Heaven, image that! As I know I am a teacher of Metaphysics and Healer in Heaven, (this is my Soul's work, life time after life time) and in our Soul Group from Heaven. I could see him surrounded by students, literally cap and gown on like in the movie, "Goodbye Mr. Chips" ( though much younger!) and his students completely mesmerized with him! I, too, was in the back, observing his class, watching him teach Astrology with a passion and also Metaphysics. I know I know him and now I see from where. We are colleagues in Heaven. We have also had past lives together and this is why the instant connection, the instant recognition online. As he said to me, "I really like your energy!I am so drawn to you, the pull to you is so strong!"  I liked him too and we spent a couple days chatting back and forth and finally connected on Skype.  Since he was persistant that he liked me and my age was a big turn on to him, which made me laugh, we spoke on Skype. Immediately he was in his pajamas, with a robe on, told me how he was so sexually turned on by me, showed me this too when he stood up! (if you know what I mean...)
It made me laugh because I guess I was just amused and amazed by all this but it all got pretty hot and heavy with him sending me videos of him in bed and much sexual content in my FB chat. Within days that he spent masturbating to me (yes, he told me) I began to think this is just weird! A young, talented Astrologer, someone I am sure I have had past lives with and he was into me and it went straight downhill into the gutter! I was not really intending anything from this, as I said it was all a surprise but I did think he could co-host my Astrology Summit which I was in the process of planning with another Astrologer who I was friends with and who also had been a guest on my show a couple of times, also sent me his books and been nice enough to do the forward to my Metaphysics 2 Workbook. But we needed young blood, and this young Astrologer would bring in the youth, with their passion and love of Astrology. I asked him, in spite of all the stuff happening if he would co-host it and he said yes. It is interesting to note, once he had had his "fill" of me in his mind, he told me that "he did not want to be with me because I was 'catching feelings' for him and he wanted to have a child one day and he had not one but two other women he was interested in right now" !! 
As the saying goes, you could have blown me down with a feather! Never did I say once that I had feelings for him. I contacted him to speak about the summit and he made it as if I was a groupie annoying him! LOL It was so shocking his masterbating behavior and yet I was still trying to be the dignified Astrologer and woman I am until this happened. Now, with all this in mind, I still watched his videos, even though he dismissed me like a used condom! 
I watched to see what just happened to me, did he do this to others? I could not allow such a talented Astrologer to go to waste, I still wanted him to co-host my Astrology Summit. (Yes, I know, blame the Teacher in me and my very own past life memories!) And so when he agreed, and we supposedly put this whole wanking wonderland behind us, so I thought, I tried to get on with my Summit. I sent him emails about it which he did not respond to, claiming it was "mind boggling" information. Basically too much for him to read and respond to...and finally we set up another Skype appointment to discuss the upcoming Summit which was less than a week away, all the invitations had been sent and I had some of the best in the business along with these young, freshfaced whippershappers like him booked in to gather on Zoom and then some would be individually interviewed by me, by my other co-host and by him, I had hoped. He agreed to this and the day came to speak on Skype...I was there on time, I left a message, "call me when you are ready, I am here". No response, no reponse to any of my messages...finally 2 hours later....he writes he "does not want to speak to me but will do the interviews."  This is insanity. I am really angry now and my writing went into all capital letters saying , "FACE THE MUSIC!" and it became clear as a bell...after he USED me in his mind, got every little thing he could from me to satisfy his lust and sexual fantasies (which must be about having sex with his mother, think about it!) he could not even look at me over Skype! Even with the promise of interviewing some of the ICONS of Astrology! No, he was just a coward, a user and abuser of women and some kind of sexual deviant! I promised there and then that he would be sorry how he delt with me and that he would know what it was like to feel exactly as he had treated me!  He still wanted to do the interviews and yet would not speak to me, imagine the cheek! He just wanted to take and take and take...this is the kind of person out there posing as a Spiritual Teacher! I was shocked to see the truth, even though it hit me from the very first minute we chatted online. He got way too into me too fast, he got way too sexual with me when it was clearly inappropriate and he made promises he did not deliver on, not even close, in the meantime his entire "stick" is about "Love, Baby and Unity!" He is a liar, a deciever and best of all, a sexual preditor who uses Astrology to basically get shagged with no care whatsoever who he hurts, uses or takes from! I have seen it with Osho, other Guru types who use sex as a weapon and as a power to satisfy only themselves. Once they take from you, they discard you like yesterday's news and you are somehow suppose to be grateful that this asshole "chose YOU!" He even said that to me, in the middle of his trying to "dump me" he actually dared to say, "I have given YOU more attention than I have given anyone!" (I had 3 conversations with him!) and he went on, "I have two women wanting to speak to me on FB chat right now but I am speaking to YOU!" This is a Narc. Narcisstic Personality Disorder only ever does what is right for them and blames you if it is not. I had been HAD. I had been HURT. I had been SHOCKED. Had my own perception of this person who I met online been misguided, misplaced? Was I losing my ability to "Tune IN" to people?? I took a breath, backed off and just observed him on You Tube. I had to know, was it ME? Or was it HIM? 
Oh, it was definately HIM! Once I watched about 10 of his videos, I saw things come together. His serious alchohol and drug abuse were noted in earlier videos, issues with an eating disorder where he could only eat potatoes, no wonder, the brain perhaps did not develop right, as well as he claimed to be "sexually abused" as a child. I have to say he was just "reinacting" that same abuse with me! I saw him say outrageously sexual things on his You Tube account which were so inapproprate that I actually "gasped" when I heard it! And I also saw that he has exzema, which means he scratches himself all the time while on You Tube and most of it is below camera so it looks like he is wanking himself while speaking about Astrology or interviewing someone else! Perhaps he can not help that, but he could use something on his skin? It does look weird, let me just say that! I also have to say, when I was so impressed by his Astrological Content online, I had to make a public announcement that he was no longer a part of my Astrological Summit on my FB page and various other Astrology Groups I belong to there. And with that powerful move came the help I need and the resistance. First the resistance, another young Astrologer said, "How dare you shame him in public!" and I tried to explain to her that his behavior was so inappropriate I had to distance myself publically from him. Clearly she was a fan, and she unfriended me on FB. Oh well, another one bites the dust! 
BUT here comes the help: I got a private FB chat box message from another young Astrologer woman and she began to tell me that basically he did the exact same thing to her, and she knew many women in the Astrological communtity that he was also known to have done this to. Way too intimate too soon, way too unconscious about his boundaries, in fact, he had NONE and once he had used them or wanked to them they were, like me, yesterday's news! She told me she tried to help him (yeah, me too!) but in the end he just did the same exact thing to other women! Now I was in a CLUB I did NOT want to belong to but I was very thankful this young woman who is a lovely Astrologer came forward. She went on to do a You Tube video about appropriate BOUNDARIES when you are counselling someone with Astrology, because it is a type of  Counseling and should never be used to get "laid" with! I told her I was going to get him fired and I did. I told his boss, who is a young and very successful Astrologer with a psychic/astrology line, well known one, where he works on, exactly what happened and how it happened and why he clearly would not be a great employee if he is wanking to her clients who call in for a reading or astrological consultancy with him! 
Thank God, she heard me loud and clear and agreed and guess what, Folks? She had already had many complaints about him! Not only that, her own Medium warned her not to hire him but she heard his "sob story" and therefore allowed him to work there. I had written her on her Facebook page in the chat box and for her business in the chat box, but heard no reply. So I emailed her. She thanked me for getting in touch with her and she said it was a very serious issue and she took it very seriously and she would fire him immediately. When I told her about writing to her in the FB chat of her private page and her business page she told me "she had made HIM an admin so he must have DELETED what I wrote there!" And this just confirms what a devious character he is and she was sickened even more by that. 
Well, she fired him. He cried like a baby, as they always do when they get caught! It is everyone else's fault but their own! Yeah, yeah, whatever. A 31 year old man should know better. This is NOT the swinging 60's nor it is an AIDS free society, he was asking me to have sex with him without a condom, as if it was ok and I said to him, "who says we are having sex?" Not just that, but the arrogance to assume everything. I put his nose out of joint and perhaps this was the entire point of our meeting? I left quite a few messages on his You Tube videos about him. But for legal reasons clearly I can not mention his name. He needs a good shrink, to grow up and clearly understand that women are not objects for his taking! Not at any age! 
And that this, then, made me aware of my role from our soul group in Heaven. I heard my Guide say this to me, "Do you remember what a brilliant teacher he was and the pact you made with him should he falter again?" And like remembering an old movie, I could see it clearly as it came into view in my mind's eye...a brilliant Professor, like Chiron the Centaur himself, but woundered by lifetimes of alcohol abuse, drug abuse (last life died in the 1960's heyday of drugs) and sexual behavior that can only be called abusive, using, and indescriminant! I recalled him begging me to "Please, dear  Soul Friend,  make sure I do not misuse or abuse my power again!" 
Clearly, I have done what he asked. Now it is up to him to take up the knowing that HE is responsible for HIS behavior. He told his boss, in tears, that he was sexually abused as a child, he even talks about it on his videos saying, "it happened and it was not the worst thing that has happened to me." Well it happened to me and millions of other children, sadly and WE do not go around sexually abusing OTHERS. 
My work here is done!  
As an aside: I have watched his videos since this to see what the fallout would be. In one, he clearly states himself to "not fall into shame, shame is a terrible thing"! If you do any inner work, you know that shame is the soul's way to say, "stop what you are doing, it is wrong!" And I have heard him quote me, use things I have said, as I am also uploading videos now for my radio show and my psychic work, advertising myself. I have seen him say on his videos that he is a "sexual person, a flirt and this is one of the things he likes the most about himself and he won't be changing that anytime soon!" So denial ain't a river in Egypt, is it?  But in another video he clearly got blasted by his Astrological friends because he admits, looking sheepishly into his camera on his phone, "if I offended you by my flirtations I am sorry!" 
Mmm, looks like he did not really learn his lesson. By their fruits you will know them. Counselling another human being, whether it is the Tarot, Astrology, Mediumship, Psychic work or Healing or Psychotherapy is a PRIVILEDGE and not to be taken lightly, ignorantly or abusing the power within that connection to another. I am a huge advocate for Women's Lib and therefore any man who seems to think women's bodies are just there for them to play with,satify themselves with sexually,  without consideration for the person, their feelings and their connection is abusing women, end of! 
If you would like to watch my latest Cafe Esoterica Radio now on You Tube, there was a show on with psychological Astrologer Rebeca Eigen on just last night. She wrote a book called, "Shadow Dance and the Astrological 7th House Workbook" and we had callers. You can not believe one of the callers had this person's birthday, not the year but the same day and month! What are the odds? Same exact degree of the Sun as him. Well, I guess that Syncronicity says it all. 
Here is the link to the show and never let anyone abuse you! It is not right, nor it is healthy for any soul to do so. One day, perhaps in Heaven back to our Soul Group, he will thank me for chastizing him enough to get him to wake up and respect women as well as learn what is appropriate in his work with others. But for now, the jury is still out. Let's see. 
Video of Cafe Esoterica Radio on You Tube is here:  The Eye in the Sky music video, music and lyrics by Alan Parson's Project, no copywrite infringement intended. Same with all music on Cafe Esoterica Radio. This blog entry called, "Eye in the Sky" (c) Shawn M. Cohen Aug 31, 2018. If you would like to book a reading with Shawn or sign up for her next Tarot course beginning online Tuesday, Sept 16, 2018 please email: 

Friday, 13 July 2018

As Far As My Eyes Can See... A Metaphysical Blog By Shawn M. Cohen

Today, as I write this latest entry, it is Friday the 13th of July, 2018. The first of 3 major Eclipses are about to come upon we had the Partial Solar Eclipse, 20 degrees in Cancer and exactly opposite to Lord of the Underworld, Pluto,  who himself is exactly 20 degrees Capricorn. 
These crossed my own personal 1st house (the body) to my 7th house (others= commitment relationships and business partners). I know I have some health issues right now. I have been working on them for decades and now as some get better, others come up, but will they finally transform to healing? These next 2 Eclipses should show the way or that perhaps, will not happen. I know the next Eclipse is 4 degrees in Aquarius,on July 27th, 2018, once again hitting my first house in my Natal Astrology Chart (the body) and my Chiron (the wounded healer and wounds that do not heal but on the path of seeking the healing, you learn how to heal others) and this conjunction would be like salt on the wounds of that! Finally, (as if what doesn't kill me makes me stronger!) the last of Eclipse trilogy, will be 18 Leo on August 11th, 2018 which is in my 7th house (others) and will oppose my personal Moon (emotions) in Aquarius exactly 18 degrees again in my first house (the body!) I am being hit by all sides here and it is not pretty! 
I always tell my clients, my students, that no one, not even the best Psychic or Astrologer or Tarot Reader can predict death! Not even Doctors can truly predict death because it is a pact between you and God, always. You made the plan of when you would be done with your life (as in done with your "Mission") and that would be you coming "Home" to Heaven, where we all go. The Death Card in the Tarot, which is number 13 is why "13" is a "heebeegeebee" number for many! It really only means Transformation. Changes and Inner World (which Pluto also rules and Pluto is the Ruler of Scorpio, which is also the Astrological connection of the Death Card!) 
We only go "Home" when it is our time, and yes, there can be accidents but for the most part, we are here for the time alloted. I look at my own Astrology Chart with Pluto and then Saturn transiting/connecting with my Mars in my first house (the body) and I know I may very well be in for the fight of my life. However, it could play out in another way, like transforming my body through strict dicipline (Saturn) and Transformation (Pluto). I am working on the latter. But who knows? I see my Uncle, my father's older brother, a very Virgonian man who really delt with his diet well,  turning 107 years old on September 15th, 2018! My own Mother is 94, on November 21st, is a Scorpio and the last degree of it and smoked like a trouper but quit in her 60's and was a dancer with a senior dance toupe in her 80's.  Jupiter is now direct in Scorpio and right on my Midheaven at 11 degrees so...Jupiter is the great Liberator like Death. When you are Old and Wise and sitting in an old age home with an adult diaper, where you no longer know your own name and your adult children visit you and you have no idea who they are, like my mother is going through, I have to say I pray for her liberation. She never wanted that to happen to her. I miss her, her laughter, the way I could call her up in Florida from London and we could just gab for hours, laugh and how much my daughter too, loves and misses her Grandma. Death is the great liberator too and we forget that. I think about my life, my life's work and how I am trying to get all my books written now, no more wasting time. Jupiter is pushing me, Saturn is saying get yourself organized and I am. Black Moon Lilth in also transiting this Capricorn first house and men are running scared of me! I have to laugh.All my life they ran after me, chasing me, wanting me, competing for me as perhaps they saw me as some pretty prize but now as I am older and my looks are not exactly like they were, shall we say... I guess I am a bolder, stronger woman and I don't play games or take crap from any man! Lilth is so sexy, so even at 62, my Lilith energy is too much for some! There are some compensations for being Old and Wise!   Though tell that to the masses of oil rig workers and military men who ask to befriend me on Facebook! (It is vile!)
Have you thought about your legacy? I have...and like the beautiful words below of this song, I do wonder if my work will go on. Will all the clients I helped/served/read over 4 decades,  all the students I taught again over 4 decades, will they remember me, will they smile when they think of me? And what of the books I have written...and my poetry and my artwork, will it be when I am gone, will it still be sold? Will someone even read this blog? I know my daughter will think of me,love me and miss me...the hardest part is leaving your children behind, even if they are all grown up. But last week, my neighbor died. She was an Aries like me and a year younger, she had motor neuron disease and went downhill fast. She was the very first person to greet us when we moved in here and my daughter was friends with her grandson.I have to say, for all I know about death, dying and healing from my Nursing career, it still upset me.  More people leaving the planet in my life these past couple of years, my dear friend Mike who was like a brother to me. As many of you know, who know me, know I have two beloveds in spirit who watch over me like two Guardian Angels. My two previous boyfriends...Glen and Art. It really is the true joy of death to reconnect with those we lost who went before us. I do look forward to that! One day...when my pact with God comes good, when my work here is done, (will it ever be?) ...till then, I want to be Old and Wise. At 62, I am not that far from that point. Years fly day I will be 70, and all those Rock Icons I grew up with and love and honor here on my blog with their gorgeous songs, are older then me!Perhaps some of them will have taken their final bow too. Needless to say, we do the best we can and we live life one day at a time, insuring our legacy exists through loved ones, friends, family and all who knew us and for me, that my work in healing people, educating students will go on even within them. I do hope for that. So I keep a smile on my face and I keep going. I take care of myself as best I can and I consult my own Stars, Planets and Tarot too and I pray...oh yes, I pray. Death takes us all one day: 
But you see by the card: The Bishop pleads and the woman turns her head away not able to face Death but the innocent child looks at him head on, with no fear. The Chinese junk on the river symbolises the way bodies were sent out to sea, or a Viking Burial. The  King whose crown is thrown off and he lays under the horse symbolises even Royalty, or any priveledged position can not stop death. The river is the river of life, yellow is optimism, blue is healing, the white horse is purity, as the Sun sets between the two pillars and it is closing the day, the end of life.
Since Pluto brings up issues of birth, death and eventually transformation,and was powerfully connected with this Cancer Eclipse on Friday the 13th, the Number of the Death Card in the Tarot, this song from the Alan Parson's Project, with the hauntingly beautiful voice of The Zombie's lead singer, Colin Blunstone, lamenting his life, (or our life) as he sings of his coming passing or his demise or his death to come. We all come to this, evenutally. Here are the profound lyrics written by Alan Parsons. 
Old and Wise 

Old and Wise

"As far as my eyes can see
There are Shadows approaching me
And to those I left behind
I wanted you to Know
You've always shared my deepest thoughts
You follow where I go
And oh when I'm old and wise
Bitter words mean little to me
Autumn Winds will blow right through me
And someday in the mist of time
When they asked me if I knew you
I'd smile and say you were a friend of mine
And the sadness would be Lifted from my eyes
Oh when I'm old and wise
As far as my eyes can see
There are shadows surrounding me
And to those I leave behind
I want you all to know
You've always shared my darkest hours
I'll miss you when I go
And oh, when I'm old and wise
Heavy words that tossed and blew me
Like Autumn winds that will blow right through me
And someday in the mist of time
When they ask you if you knew me
Remember that You were a friend of mine
As the final curtain falls before my eyes
Oh when I'm Old and wise.
As far as my eyes can see"
Songwriters: Alan Parsons / Eric Woolfson 
Old and Wise lyrics © Universal Music Publishing
  If you would like a Tarot Reading or an Astrological Consultation with me, please email me at:  (c) 7/13/18 to Shawn M. Cohen, except video, & Old & Wise lyrics.

(c) "As Far As My Eyes Can See"  July 13, 2018 by Shawn Cohen, entry into "Shelter From The Storm" Alan Parson's song, "Old and Wise" (c) Universal Music and Alan Parsons/Eric Woolfson no copyright infringement meant for the above video as well.  

Friday, 6 July 2018

And It Makes Me Wonder.... a Metaphysical Blog By Shawn M. Cohen

Did you ever wonder
really wonder ,what happens to us all when we die? I mean, it is the ultimate question, right? How many can actually say they know...? Perhaps Planty was trying to sing about this in "Stairway to Heaven"...or does anybody remember laughter? As he so rightly asks!
When I was a teenager, in the early 1970's, this song came pouring out of every 8 track, vinyl LP, cassette tape and FM radio station, not to mention blasting over the FM car radio! You could hear it in quad stereo if you had one! Fantastic, taking all of Jimmy's riffs in one speaker, Robert's dulcet tones in another, JPJone's pounding bass, and Bonzo's banging drums in the last one, with yourself in the middle, what's not to love?? It was an "experience"!  Mental, fantastic, your mind just wrapped around the music and it went through your soul!
We listened, we rocked our heads to the beat but did we question the lyrics? Probably not, too high on pot! But man, it all sounded so cool, and Robert's soulful voice with Jimmy's smooth licks, Bonzo's beat. JPJ's bassline,  how could we not just melt away in bliss listening! 

But here they are, those lyrics which many have tried to interpret: read them, see just how deep they are, and what Robert is really singing about, what is he really wailing about, with his SOUL here? 

Stairway to Heaven
Led Zeppelin
There's a Lady who's sure,
All that glitters is gold,
And she's buying a stairway to heaven,
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven.
There's a sign on the wall,
But she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook,
There's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiving.
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it makes me wonder
There's a feeling I get
When I look to the west
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen
Rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who standing looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it really makes me wonder
And it's whispered that soon, If we all call the tune
Then the Piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn
For those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.
If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
Don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring clean for the May Queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by
But in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder
Your head is humming and it won't go
In case you don't know
The Piper's calling you to join him
Dear Lady, can you hear the wind blow
And did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll
And she's buying the stairway to heaven
Songwriters: Jimmy Page / Robert Plant
Stairway to Heaven lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music

 I write about the spiritual journey...that is my gig. I am and have been on this "Path" with all its myriad of twists and turns, Insightful teachers and also some phoney baloney Gurus and "wanna bes" for 4 decades pardon me while I don't go into a dissertation on how this song is about drug abuse only and particularly cocaine.  

Nope no dope here! But it is about losing one's soul, maybe... I think it is this clearly channeled poem, lyrics, verse, about the road we all face in this life. 
Do we chose (niavely) the "All that Glitters is Gold" road as so many of us do, especially the young ones. Get that money! Get that Kim Kardasian look (plastic) and do not forget to buy every designer do wha diddy to make yourself look so important and "special"! The EGO has its field day with young people like this and they pay, pay or get someone else to pay through the nose for it and sometimes the sex and drugs & booze also go with it and then here comes the addictions....while we are addicted to anything, anything at all, we are basically "slaves", nothing more, nothing less. "She knows where to go if the stores are all closed, with a word she can get what she came for."   Nothing stops the addict, no shops closed, no lack of money, no lie told is too big to "get what she came for".   And so she gets it, good for another hour, day, night, week, till next payday, and onwards she goes, the Lady who's sure... but wait: suddenly there is a "Sign on the wall but she wants to be sure...cause you know  sometimes words have two meanings... "    Now comes long last, she is beginning to wonder..."Oh and it makes me wonder..."  The moment of God comes through, or her Higher Self" that part of us that never leaves Heaven and we are watched over by...and that Higher Part is beginning to question this madness, this journey, this endless cycle of addiction...or shopping or mindless, souless friends, or this need to be wanted and endless, mindless sex, or people who use and abuse you or the millions of excuses she makes for just not doing the right but maybe harder thing, the finishing school, the working for a living the endless available books in any library she never reads or classes to improve herself she forgets to go to, and so on and so forth because those designer shoes are so much more important! And breathe! Finally, doubt, blessed doubt comes in and asks, "what am I doing?"  And finally, the other shoe (designer for sure!) drops and she is one small step out of the addiction cycle...and on the Path...ONE tiny weenie step. 
"There's a songbird who sings, sometimes all our thoughts are misgiving".   The songbird is her Soul, and it is asking her to "think about what you are doing, sometimes your thoughts are not the right way or the correct answer...think again." 
  And yes, it made her wonder...
Now this is the saddest line in this song, if you ask me, and the true spiritual seeker has been here so many times, right Lady? (There's a Lady... Me!)   If you got to go to Los Angeles in the 1970's or 1960's, you were blessed! It was one special place and here is exactly what Robert forlornly with a soft tone of sorrow in his voice, just achingly sings..."There's a feeling I get when I look to the West and my Spirit is crying for leaving..."  In A.A./N.A. or any 12 step program,  they call this the "so called Geographical cure"! You know, the addict thinks it will get better if they move to another location. Of course, they take  their damaged self with them can it? The Pathwork is always Internal. 
 This is the Spirit crying out for help in this line... the West is traditionally, in Metaphysics,  ruled by Archangel Michael. Michael is the Divine Protector and he will fight for you, and is a Lightshower and Defender of your Soul against Evil. Crying OUT... we have free will so no angel can interfere unless we ASK for Help. 
Here lies the beginning of redemption: the SOUL, her SPIRIT CRIES OUT, "I want to GO, I want to LEAVE and get to that place I LONG TO BE...HEAVEN." 
 " In my thoughts I have seen, rings of smoke through the trees and the voices of those who stand looking." 
She is smoking, is it pot, is it heroin, is it just cigarettes, who knows but they who stand looking see the self abuse. We witness your demise, we see how you think it is so cool to hurt yourself but Lady, you are actually just hurting yourself and that is NOT cool! And we all say, they say, your Guides and visiting spirit who are trying to help you and even the Angels. " And the voices of those who stand looking...."
We are often the ones who see it first, the family, friends, lovers, parents and children and "Oh, it makes me wonder, Oh it really makes me wonder"   What happened to them? They look dreadful! No more the pretty little girl or boy they once were...the Soul is still in that body but the spirit is crying for leaving...and of course , "She is buying a stairway to Heaven"! We worry alot about them,  we speak to them, we ask politely, then we cajole or infer or out and out blast them to China and Back: "STOP!"
"And it whispered that soon, if we all call the tune, then the Piper will lead us to reason..."
Collectively, we all need to speak the truth. If we lie and disassociate with the addict or the souless or who is doing what to whom, without consciousness, without compassion and actually offer the a 12 step program or a way out or a bloody good shrink, then we too are complicite in their continual self harm. This is why Robert wrote these lines, it takes a Village to raise a healthy child and it takes community and our tribe to come in and help us, not co-dependency but help us to stand UP again for ourself. "If we ALL call the TUNE" and he means if we ALL speak the TRUTH.  "The Piper will lead us to reason..."   The Piper is any sane person not doing the drugs, or sold their soul for money.... he/she is a Wise sage, a Doctor, a Healer, a Psychotherapist, the Leader of a 12 step program, any Lightworker or Diviner, Astrologer, Tarot Reader who can and does use his/her wisdom to heal others and his/her wise words are "music" to the addict's ears... 
"And a New Day Will Dawn for those who stand long and the forests will echo with laughter..." 
YES! A breakthrough at last! The Dark Night of the Soul is over, the person is finally realizing they no longer need be a slave, that THEY are responsible for their lives, their happiness and their health! And this is a New Day that Dawns when the SOUL reunites with the original Plan of that Soul in this lifetime! No longer blowing which ever way the wind blows, but anchored in truth and light and self worth again. Let us laugh, let us rejoice! 
"If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed's just a spring clean for the May Queen."  
You will always discover weird things along the Spiritual Path. Various people and places and things, can distract you but "don't be alarmed."  Robert is giving us/her some good solid advice  here and never let a "bustle" or sex or a flirtation get the better of you either, stay on the Path!  And he warns: "Yes, there are two paths you can go by But in the long run...there's still time to change the road you're on...Oh, it makes me wonder..."
The eternal battle between good and evil. Between our soul and our ego. Between our Path and slacking off...
"Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know...the Piper's calling you to join him"    Listen to the call, it may just save your life or soul! We already said who the "Piper" was...or could be. The soul calls out, the Clarion Call of help and need, and who answers that call? Like attracts like and opposites also attract... so you can be attracting someone just like yourself at any given moment or the opposite one who came through it all and is cured or On The Path and firmly on it and so we have the "two roads" again...The Stairway to Heaven is laced with choices both good and bad, both hard and soft, what will this "Dear Lady, can you hear the wind blow and did you know....your stairway lies on the whispering wind." 
 Thoughts carry, messages from God, Angels, our Guides, our Higher Self, our Ancestors, all carry on the wind, whispering again and again to us, to listen, to watch, to be aware...we are here, we are helping you, tune into us, listen to us, we will see you right but you do have Free Will and we can not interfere with your own Free Will, therefore, you must ask us for help and listen.

"And as we wind on down the road, our shadows taller then our soul...there walks a Lady we all know who shines WHITE LIGHT and wants to show..."
So, she is cured, she is healed and down the road we get to see this. Our Shadow is taller than our Soul, no longer hiding the pain, the negative but embracing it, owning it, it no longer controls her and she is free. She shines WHITE LIGHT which is the light of Christ Consciousness, the Metaphysician, Healer, Psychic's tool for protecting the Aura, to keep it clean and free from nasty and negative energy which you can pick up with drug and drink abuse or any addiction.
"How everything still turns to Gold, and if you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last, " 
She heard the call, she went through the Dark Night of the Soul and as Carl Jung said and Joseph Campbell, that our Shadow contains our GOLD, the soul's treasures, so we must face our demons and find our true bravery and healing Gold. And she did, she is cured, she is shining that White Light and saying what the Piper called her to do, if you listen very hard, it can happen to you too, you can hear it on the wind...your soul's crying out to God...and God responds:"I"If you listen very hard the tune will come to you at last, when ALL ARE ONE AND ONE IS ALL"f And if you listen very ha ALL are ONE and ONE is ALL..."   Because that is the only truth....when you clear away all the illusions, all the lies, all the spin, all the designer clothes, the drugs and the sex and the needs and the wants and the my, me, mine of the Ego............! There is only yourself, and we are all ONE!
And finally, security, sanity and safety is now hers/ours:
 "To be a rock and not to roll...and she's buying a stairway to Heaven."
Her soul is saved from the slavery of lies, where she would be worshipping at for decades or lifetimes if she had not heard that Clarion Call from the Piper, whomever he/she /it is for her. "To be a rock", stable and solid!

Have you heard your own Clarion Call? Did you leave the addictions at the doorstep of sanity and safety and reason? Good for you... if not...what are you waiting for? After all, we all want a "Stairway to Heaven" when our soul's learning and our soul's mission here is done.
Love while you can but love yourself in a healthy way first, with respect and honoring the very temple you have chosen to use in this lifetime, your body. Nurtured wisely, it will carry you home too.

If you need to know how to get here, my mission is all about helping the soul and it's journey towards enlightenment and its mission on Earth. Please get in touch via my website and see all the various ways and services I can help you grow, heal, develop.
My website is:

I want to thank Robert Plant and Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin for the most magnificent song. All copyright goes to (c) Robert Plant and Jimmy Page and Warner/Chappell Music, inc. No copyright infringement meant and same for the video.

 And Finally, one day in London in 1988, I was working at the Primrose Hill Healing Center in NW1 London, as a Tarot Reader and Teacher of Metaphysics. This Pittsburgh Girl moved over here to London in 1985. Ken was the owner and we were dating at the time. He was an Acupuncturist and we had been dating about 8 months. After work he said, ", Shawn, do you want to go get a drink at the corner pub?" I think we were both tired from a full on day of healing people so a quick "yes" came out of my mouth. We walked into the pub and no one was there save two men at the bar. I could see their backsides , as they were leaning on the bar, not their faces and one had long blonde curly hair.  His face was turned to his friend speaking. I looked over at Ken who went to the table and chairs and so I said , "I'll get the drinks" and as I approached the bar, it struck me like lightening I had seen that long blonde hair before, then as if a raging flood poured into my 33 year old mind, my mouth just opened up wide, jaw dropped! It was Robert Plant! As if he knew and read my mind... and he never turned around, he took his beer with his friend and just ran upstairs to the next level. I was frozen and could not move. It was like a dream! Last time I saw him I was a teenager at the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh, Pa with all my best friends and we were singing along with him in his sexy jeans, bare top with a girl's shirt just gracing over his bare chest! Long curly hair flying around his head! Singing and wailing with his soulful cries!!
 But back to this pub...and Mr. Plant...
so here I am, what should I do? "Yes, there are two paths you can go on...".  I felt every ounce of my being wanting to run up those stairs (This current Stairway to Heaven?)  after him and just see if I could look him in the face...ask for an autograph...tell him how much we all adored Led Zep in the day? Or I could stop being a teenager at 33 and look at my lovely and nice and caring boyfriend who was exhausted from his day of working and buy him his beer..., with a *sigh*, I chose the later. I asked him, "Is that who I think it was?" and Ken said matter of factly reading the newspaper, "Oh, him? Yeah, Robert Plant comes in here all the time, he lives near here."   And I had another jaw dropping experience within 5 minutes of the last one! "No, really?! Why didn't you Tell Me??!"    I could see myself camping out at that Pub from now on!  But the look on Ken's face, was priceless, "Oh why, you like him?"  Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing not running up those stairs after him...however tempting.... and God knows what would have happened if he saw me and I saw him! lol Probably nothing but I know my boyfriend would have been hurt.
And we wonder down the road... I bought the drinks and sat there with Ken, composing myself and hoping what went up must come down but he never did while we were there...Oh well, clearly I was meant for the Other Road!
Thank you to Robert Plant and Jimmy Page for showing us the way...via this Mytical, Celtic Spirited and Beautiful song.
The Path is filled with temptation but your Soul is wise, listen to it and when you can't do ask for is out there, and it is waiting for you. 

"And It Makes Me Wonder",  entry to my Blog, "Shelter From the Storm" (c) July 6, 2018 by Shawn M. Cohen 
all rights to the author except for the lyrics and song by Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, Stairway to Heaven and the video. (c) to Warner/Chapell Music, Inc.

Friday, 29 June 2018

Thank You by Led Zeppelin

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you. If the mountain crumbled to the sea, it would still be you and me. 

Led Zeppelin wrote those words 4 decades ago now. And the title of this song is, Thank You.  It speaks of a great love and that one is grateful for it. Both my great loves in my own life were born in February, both are passed on, so this song is dedicated to them. However, it is a great song for being grateful for being loved in any way. I believe it speaks of eternal love and that means all of us as we are all eternal beings. So here is my take on being grateful and saying Thank You! 

Since I have been busy and not able to write my usual monthly entry last month, here are some thoughts on why being "grateful" or "an attitude of gratitude" can heal so much in not only a spiritual seeker's life but in any life. 

Valentine's Day with all its furore is usually a day of expressing love and thanks to our partners or people we love. That is a lovely idea and it works for those who have someone to express love to. But what if we sat down and made a list of all the really painful experiences we had in our lives and expressed gratitude for them? What do you think would happen if you did this? Why would you do it? 

Well, let me demonstrate, as in my own painful life experiences here: 

Thank you to my Father, for being so hard on our family, for telling me I was not worth much to you because I was not a son. Thank you for telling me I was not intelligent enough for you to want to pay for my college education, even though you had the money because girls just grow up to "get married". Thank you for teaching me women were inferior and only good for cooking, cleaning, looking "pretty" for men and being subservient. You taught me so much in these lessons of pain, exclusion, humiliation, suffering and abandonment. You taught me to be STRONG though you did not realize this at the time. You taught me COMPASSION for all the women and females in the world who, like me, were told they were not worth much. I CHAMPION their causes and work to heal these patriarchal issues which have harmed their self worth and value.And I work with men too who have also been victimized by them.  I chose to become a HEALER from the pain you inflicted, perhaps through ignorance or ancestral inheritance or your own need to control. When you left my mother for another woman and abandoned us, leaving her with not a dime, I went to work in a Jazz night club as a waitress, which I did not want to do but felt forced to do. Not only did I learn a trade to make money,(and eventually used this to pay MY OWN WAY through the many colleges and universities I eventually went to) but also helped my mother who was devastated and helped her to find her worth, thanks to you. Even with the weight of the world on my back and at the tender young age of 19 going on 20, I also met my SOUL MATE there at the very job I would not have chosen to do! If you had not left, that would have never happened. (See my other blog; and The Pittsburgh Phantom and Me which tells this story in much detail and beautiful music. Here is the link: ).   

Thank you my Father,  for making fun of my psychic abilities and telling people I was "crazy". Being born with a caul* and told from my birth that I would be "psychic" must have been quite a threat to your own lack of understanding your own intuition and your own inner female side, where all feelings and tenderness and intuition comes from.  Needless to say, my journey to how I became a professional Psychic and Medium had many ups and downs and many people, both friends, family and others who did question my "sanity" BUT this made me work harder, seek MORE information, training, education, years of inner development and looking within, and I read tons of books on so many subjects, studied with so many, and finally to become the very expert in my field. THAT was fueled by my soul's need as well as your fears about my gifts. That I am a strong, self reliant, a Psychic, Medium and a obtained a degree in Metaphysics, which I have used to helped thousands of people in so many parts of this world find peace, healing, light and understanding has made this all worthwhile. To have so much inner awareness to life, the Higher Realms and as a consistent SEEKER of TRUTH is MY choice, but it is clear the adversary role plays its part.

 Thank you to my Father, for taking on this "role" in my life. It made me face all the pitfalls of the path. It showed me what I could handle and what I needed to learn to face, be braver and stronger and more resilient and to know eventually that PAIN can become the greatest SOURCE for ENLIGHTENMENT as well as LOVE.  In so many ways, my Father showed me the very way to grow. He was not conscious of this but his fear, insecurities, lack of compassion and even his upbringing were responsible in part to his issues. He passed away in March, 1998 but we came to some understanding right before he died with him finally accepting and even acknowledging my path.  On a Higher Plane and in Spirit, he would have chosen to be the "bad guy" in my life as a soul contract. Soul Contracts are made between the lives,  in Heaven or the  Astral Plane, where all souls reside and all are in agreement or we do not "play". Knowing this is key to understanding why life is how it is and who is in it and why and for what purpose. There are many good books on "Soul Contracts" but I always recommend Robert Schwartz' book, "Your Soul's Plan" which can be found on Amazon or here:

See what I mean? No one is exempt from pain. But instead of letting pain overwhelm you, break you, cripple you, understand it on a deeper level, one should investigate it, analyse it, figure out why it is there. Pain is a path to enlightenment and it is explained well here:  

All children love their parents. No matter what. It is a conscious choice which parents we have, even if we are adopted. All souls chose their path and in the end we can see this when we pass over. The life review each soul has shows us without a doubt, that we chose those experiences because they would in some way, allow us to become who we wanted to become, to mature, develop, evolve, share our gifts, learn and help others. Yes, be grateful for the pain. Be grateful for the love. Be grateful for all the "successes" and all the "failures" too because without them, there is no need to seek and if one does not seek, one stays small, stagnant, ignorant and life is meaningless. Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage and we are mere actors playing our parts." How right he was! 

I am so grateful for the broken path, the ups and downs, the ins and outs and all the shifts of consciousness which came with them all. If not for them, who would I be today and where would I be? If I did not rise above with sheer determination and rage against the very obstacles put in my way, I would not have the life lessons I have learned. The deeper meaning of my own life would have been obscured and my own validation for being here on Earth at this time would have eluded me. How hard it has been to come here but how happy I am for it all! Time tells the tale of our lives and eventually we see the entire plot to our play, the reason for being, the love behind it all, even with the so called bad experiences we had. 

Life is meant for our growth and for developing into a Conscious Being. It has no more points to gain, no more races to win, no more competing or judging or wallowing in self pity! It is a consciousness game of evolution. Understanding this makes the journey worthwhile, for it gifts us with dignity, purpose and deep meaning. It heals the wounds of the past and past lives and allows our soul to soar with growth. This conflict of light and dark is what this whole world is based on. Without the dark would we seek the light? Without the pain would we even bother to grow? It is clear we need both to become whole, aware and know the Self. 

 How are you seeing your own life, the "good" and the "bad"? Will you see it  now with gratitude so that you can say to yourself and all you have ever known, all the experiences you have ever had, "Thank You"? It is my wish and hope that you will.  

 Thank You for reading my blog. Comments are always welcome and please share your own experiences too. 

* The caul is a baby born within the casing of the amniotic fluid and membrane intact, so this did not break before birth. The Old Wive's Tales are that if a baby is born this way, they will be psychic. My Irish grandmother who was not at my birth in Pittsburgh, Pa. but in New York City, was called as soon as I was born by my Father. My Mother saw I was born in the sac and was frightened and asked the doctor, what's wrong? He opened it to allow me to breath in air and said to my mother, "nothing, she is a healthy baby girl". My Father was talking to my Irish Grandmother on the phone from the hospital, assuring my Mother's Mother, saying that my mother had me. My Irish Grandmother was also psychic and said to my Father, "I know, I heard a baby crying, so I knew she has been born." (meaning she psychically picked up on my birth, clairaudiently hearing a baby cry.) My Father explained I was born with the sac still intact and my Grandmother said, "Oh she too will be psychic!" I was named after her, Margaret, my middle name.  So from the moment I was born, my life's story was not only foretold but the caul intact declared my gifts!  It has also been used by sailors and much sought after because it was said to keep one would prevent the sailor from drowning. Even Charles Dickens wrote about it in his book, "David Copperfield" and has been cited in much literature and poems.  Were you or your child born with a caul? See this website for more info on it and what it means here:  and also here:  and others tell their stories of being born with a caul:

Shawn M. Cohen (c) Feb. 21, 2014 London, UK.  
Fair usage act for Led Zeppelin video, and the song THANK YOU.(c) Plant, Page, aka Led Zeppelin No copyright infringement intended. 

ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be a guest on Blog Talk RadioMarch 13th*, 2014 talking about my Metaphysical life, Psychic work and Mediumship and taking some of your calls for Readings by me,   so please join me at New Pathway to Healing with host Petey Silveira. Petey has a long list of wonderful and interesting guests on her show and I feel very grateful (Thank You, Petey!) and happy to be asked to be her guest for the entire hour,  so please tune in and call in! The link is here:  

(*March 13th (1998) was the date my Father was buried. Ironic and yet, what an amazing synchronicity. One wonders "who" chose this date! Thanks, Dad! lol )